Tuesday, March 18, 2014

This is Vennice. He is a brown and white wolf. He is blind, but was born blind. He iss adorable and his ears sorta flip back its just so cute
ThIs iS A BeTtErPiC oR ScAr tHe shAdOw crAwLeR.....

I sTiLl hAVeNt tHoUgHt Of a NaMe fOr tHiS LiTtLe gUy.

Monday, March 17, 2014

ThIs oNe piC Is kInDa oLd, BuT IlL LeAvE iT uP FoR rEfErEncEs.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I HaVuNt gOtTeN ArOuNd pOsTiNg LaTeLY...................................

ThIs iS My oWn lOgO

tHiS wHaT WoUlD HaPPen iF HaIl wAs eViL.hE WoNt bE FeAtURed IN ThE sToRy. p.S. iT WaS SuPeR hArD To mAkE:0)

hAtReD Used tO Be a NoRmAl UnIcOrn At one PoiNt InHeR lIFe.  bt DaRK mAgIc iNvAdEd hER HEART. yes Ray, I just said ''dark'' magic.

my friend wanted me to post in  her pictures. ( this is the only one. the rest are mine:0)